die 2


The Company

The production of almost indestructible anodized plates, machine front panels made of metal, type plates, eye-catching metal business cards and the like is the main field of activity of the company "Die 2" from Kufstein, Austria.

Special additional processes, such as milling, drilling, or welding studs, complement the company's field of activity.

"The 2" are now actually "3", namely the trained mechanical engineer Gerhard Maschler and his two children Laura and Lukas. Together, they process orders for a wide variety of industries on time with flexibility flexibly.


Further information

Do you have specific questions? Do you need samples or prices?

Please contact us by phone at +43 650 6236700 or send us an e-mail at:


Die 2 • Gerhard Maschler • Schubertstraße 4 • AT-6330 Kufstein • Austria • Mobile +43 650 6236700Privacy